Mar 31, 2008

enchanted bloom

Mar 29, 2008

the competition

As I said in my previous post, one of my cats is in heat and this is another would-be mate competing with the yellow striped cat. I gotta say I like this one because of the fine long whiskers, but the other one would produce a nice litter of striped kittens.

There's actually another cat lurking around, almost all white. I haven't managed to come across him on a good day or appropriate time to take some shots of him yet, however. Maybe one of these days...

Mar 28, 2008

mini tiger

One of my female cats is apparently in heat and this male cat from one of my neighbors is looking to mate with her.

Anyway, apparently I can't keep away from my camera for too long once I don't have anything to occupy myself with. I just took this photo this morning. Heh.

Mar 25, 2008


I have an announcement to make, especially for those who somehow don't read the sidebar comments. My main lens which I use for just about 80% of my shots since I got it has developed a fault and I've had to send it back to Hong Kong for repairs (bought it there online).

What this means is that my photo-taking flexibility is now quite limited, not to mention I just can't get back into the swing of things without my favorite lens around. So until I get it back or until I manage to obtain a replacement lens (which I hope I don't have to resort to), expect updates to be scarce. I'll try and post up some photos from my archive from time to time to fill in the gap but don't expect too much.

Anyway, the photo above is one such photo I've kept in reserve. Heh.

Mar 19, 2008


One of those moody days that we adults can never seem to understand.

Mar 17, 2008

a touch of pink

Okay, I'm taking a slight detour from the way I usually go about doing things around here by posting up a photo I've sort of posted up before. I was playing around with the colors of the "like a rose" photo since yesterday just to see what I can do with Photoshop with all the things I've learned so far and this here is the result, as far as color manipulation is concerned.

It's far from perfect and I only have so much patience when it comes to attention to detail. That and I also want to draw a line between digitally enhancing a photo as opposed to outright manipulating them to suit my needs. So photos like this one maybe won't appear too often. Anyway, that's enough pink to last me for a month or three.

Mar 16, 2008


Just a photo of a man cycling along the shore of Muara beach. I like this photo because of its minimalist nature. I don't like it because I accidentally cut off the head of the man's reflection on the wet sand. Oh well.

Mar 14, 2008

like a rose

But it's not. It's actually the flower of a cactus. No idea on the specific name since I'm no cactus expert. Hmm, at any rate, please excuse the shoddy post-processing. Though hopefully you won't notice it at all. Heh.

Update: Eh well the shoddy post-processing I was referring to bugged me too much so I decided to fix it after all.

Mar 12, 2008

hibiscus white

It's interesting how an ordinary flower can look so different once you play around with its colors. Or in this case totally get rid of it. The same thing applies to many aspects of life too I guess. All it takes is a different perspective.

Mar 11, 2008


Just trying my hand at a new post processing technique I came across recently to produce high-contrast pictures. At any rate, this was supposed to come up yesterday but Flickr was being problematic and wouldn't allow me to upload my photos. Seems like it's all fine now so here it is.

Mar 9, 2008

a colorful start

Yup, another sunrise photo. This was taken at Sungai Besar, the same place as the photo in my first post. This is the first time I took my new 10-20mm Sigma lens out for a sunrise shot and I gotta say I don't regret buying it one bit.

Mar 8, 2008

yet another cat portrait

Okay, so I like taking pictures of my cats. I'd take pictures of other cats too but I don't come across them as often as I do my own cats.

Mar 6, 2008

golden empire

The Empire Hotel, visible in the distance as seen from Tungku beach, is awash in the golden rays of the late afternoon sun.

Mar 5, 2008

sunrise squared

Yet another sunrise from Serasa beach. This was actually taken some time ago but I only got around to processing it recently.

I'm trying for a classic film look here, hence the grainy image. It may or may not be to your taste, but I kinda like it personally.

Mar 4, 2008

contrast match

A photo of my cousin and his nephew. One of those moments that requires a bit of luck to capture.

Mar 3, 2008

missed target

You can't always get what you want, no matter how many times you try.

Mar 2, 2008


Once in a while, you will find yourself feeling like this little baby mouse, weak and defenseless. What will you do then?

Mar 1, 2008

he means business

This here is my cousin's son. He's only about a year or so old. Quite an adorable little kid, if you ask me, except for the fact that he cries almost every time he sees me. And before you jump to conclusions, it's not just me.

About the only reason he's not crying here is because my face was hidden behind my camera so he can't easily recognize me.