Aug 15, 2008

entering the world of insect macro

This is something I've wanted to do for a while now, and with my Raynox I'm finally able to give insect macro a go. For sure there will be more to come in the near future.


ShedZster said...

whoa! zooommmmmmedd! xD

Wish to see more part of the body.

Safwan said...

Huhu nda dapat tu due to physical and circumstantial limitations.

Physical in the sense that at macro levels, depth of field (in focus vs out of focus areas) is very thin, hence I can only get the head to fit within the in-focus area.

Circumstantial because the ant is alive and moving. If it was dead or at least frozen, then I can take multiple shots with different focus regions and stack them up during processing (I've yet to try this actually~) but I'm not that cruel to do that to insects. xD I'll give it a go someday on other things.

Huhu.. more to come~

Rage said...

awesome! i love this pic.. kiut eh sul samutnya.. xD try looking for a caterpillar saf.. lawa kali eh mun up close..

Safwan said...

For some reason arah rumah ku ni inda byk caterpillar so nothing to show in that department.. =\