Feb 18, 2008

sengkurong walkabout

So I went on a walk around the Sengkurong commercial area this morning. Yeah, it's the same morning I took the picture of the cat from the previous post. Just thought I'd include the rest of them. There are six of them for this series.

Mind the loading time. Or if it doesn't load at all, do tell but I probably won't be able to do anything much to fix it. As a matter of fact, if it works fine, tell me too so I know I can use it again in the future.


ShedZster said...

Hahaha! Kewl!

Btw, ngakun saja, it was you who put the sign on the longkang, arranging the tvs and the toilet seat. ROFL! And most of all, u do own that massage place! Dlm diam rupanya c saf ani...Hahaha! j/k

favourites from here are Breaking the pattern, Unhinged, public tv and public restroom. Junks still look good in photos.

Btw, I can see ur reflection on the tv. hahahahaha! YOUR ON CANDID CAMERA!~ XD

Safwan said...

Indakan aku yg menyusun.. semua authentic tu ah :p

Pasal masuk dalam tv tu gagas dah time atu pasal hujan barai2 dah yatah malas kan shoot semula.