Apr 5, 2008

high tide

Yes, I know I said I was going to post more on my walkabout at Serasa beach but while this picture isn't taken at Serasa, it was made while I was on my way to Serasa. I decided to stop by and take some quick shots while the sky was like that before moving on to my actual destination.

This was taken the following morning after my "low tide" shot. It's at a different location but we're still seeing the same ol' Brunei river here just like my previous shot. Again, it's not quite a sunrise but it's close enough to count.

Oh and if you're wondering who the guy you see in the foreground is, well, that's actually me. Haha. This would make it the first time I've ever actually appeared on my own blog! I guess I just needed something to 'enhance' the scene rather than leave it empty and shoot it as is. And since no one else was around, I decided to volunteer.