Jan 18, 2008

wasai kandal revised

This is almost the same picture as this one with the exception that I re-did the HDR using this program that I finally managed to get my hands on called Photomatix.

The original might arguably look more dramatic, but here I just wanted to share how much of a difference a good HDR program makes.


muNtui said...

hmm.. ganjil daun yg sebalah kanan atu XD

Safwan said...

Hehe andangnya tu kalau HDR photos ada unrealistic look sikit. It's a technique for scenes yg ada kawasan yg tarang sama gelap.

Kalau ambil gambar biasa saja you'd get either one part ok and the other part memutih ganya or one part ok and the other part gelap nda nampak papa.

Yatah HDR ni utk supaya dpt nampak semua. But of course, the program alum perfect sangat lah so ada unrealistic look to it sikit. Kdg2 org suka plg tu ia unreal usulnya tu (including me lah to a certain extent xD).