Jan 27, 2008

kota batu sunrise

Kota Batu was once the site for the capital city of Brunei way back in history, though not much signs are left of those old days. Kota literally translates into city, and batu means rock or stone in English.

Visible in the picture is the Malay Technology Museum which is the white building down by the river. The big roof-like structure situated at the river bank is where they 'preserved' an old gun-boat, apparently from World War II, but of which I don't quite know the history of since the place is not quite as well-maintained as it used to be. Just outside the frame towards the bottom right is the tomb of Sultan Bolkiah, the fifth Sultan of Brunei, but only part of the site is visible in the picture. My bad. Heh.

Now if only someone would sponsor me a wide-angle lens...


ShedZster said...

This picture for me looks quite alright but im annoyed abt the easy detection of the sun light ray/beam yang u can see the spec of rainbow near the sungai.

Kalau kan cakap andang natural nya memang lah but maybe it's not fitted to be in the picture. The colours here blend so well but that spec just ruin it.

That's what I think lah.

Safwan said...

That's called lens flare and usually happens when you have a strong light source within (or just outside) the image frame.

Usually the more complex the lens (i.e. the more glass elements it is made up of), the greater the flare effect and zoom lenses are pretty complex. :p

Plus I was using filters too which adds more layers of glass.

As for correcting it, not for this image.. takes too long to do it and still make it look natural. ^^ Maybe on other pics lah.. but that depends jua.

ShedZster said...

dont get me wrong :P

just that i felt it would be nice nada flare atu. so that bisai simpan arah background desktop ku XD

Safwan said...

Haha kalau atu simple saja.. ko block the lens flare pakai desktop icons! Mwahaha!

ShedZster said...

ROFL!!! kes sasak kah tu XD

awu krg ku papan kan dgn icon GW (GUILD WARS) kali bisai.