Nov 29, 2007

family tree

On a two hours or so hike through Bukit Subok forest reserve (at least I think that's what it's called), I chanced upon this particular tree with so many branches err.. branching out of it at so many points that it doesn't even seem to have a main trunk past the bottom section.

It instantly reminded me of a family tree; that thing you use to track lineages. I think the title suits it well considering the sheer size of the tree.

About the photo:
I don't know exactly what species this tree is since I'm no tree expert. I took several photos to capture the whole tree and then combined them in the digital darkroom. Sort of like a vertical panoramic image.

Unfortunately, the skies were blown out. And no, I don't have a fetish for skies. Just that blown out skies are ugly. Considering the vast difference in light levels from top to bottom, I suppose that's unavoidable; more so since this is a series of merged photos.
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ShedZster said...
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ShedZster said...

And so he quotes "And no, I don't have a fetish for skies."


Eyoo, makin banyak portrait pixs nya XD

If only u've given more space sal cam squash up/compact. But it's really hard to get the perfect angles to shoot tall object.

Cam mesti diri jauh berabis to get the whole top to bottom shot.

What I like about the picture is the leaves gives a good greenery brush effects cam on a painting.

Safwan said...

Susah kan nda buat compact. The tree was about 3 or 4 metres from me saja (no space to move back + I don't have an ultra wide angle lens.. yet xD) and my cam was already in horizontal/landscape position for every pic I took.

I think I took 9 shots to reach the top kali. Nda ingat. ^^