Nov 19, 2007

ready for takeoff!

Now that the opening ceremony is over and done with, it's time to get the photos online. You won't suddenly see a deluge of photos coming in, rather it'll be one by one. Gotta save some for days when I can't get any good shots in or just too occupied to go out and take some photos. ;)

About the photo:
I have no idea what kind of bee it actually is, just that for a few days straight it kept coming back to that wooden stick which is actually stuck upright on the ground in my backyard. The pic was taken using my previous camera, the good 'ol Canon PowerShot S5 IS which has now been passed on to my dad while I get to play with my new DSLR. More on that later perhaps.
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ShedZster said...

So its all the camera's doing? the blurry background effect is not additional 'touch-up' of photoshop?


Any advise on how to make the backgroun blurry and focus on an object?

Safwan said...

Hehe.. yup, all camera. It's easier to do kalau camera mu ada long zoom.. i.e. long focal length. Then pakai aperture basar2 (low number.. e.g. f/2.8) to decrease what you call depth of field.

muNtui said...

ohhh begitu

Safwan said...

huhu.. atu cam bunyi org inda paham...