Nov 30, 2007

rare visitor

Monitor lizards may be a common sight for those living near the rivers of Brunei (as I am), but to see one as big as this was definitely a rare occurrence. It probably measured 5 feet or more in length from head to tail -not that I had time to take out a tape measurer and ask it to stay still while I measure it- and I could see that it was very old going by the flabs and wrinkles on its skin as well as multiple scars from old injuries on several parts of its body.

About the photo:
Taken some months ago with my previous camera, it was very hard to approach the lizard without spooking it. This was the best shot I could manage out of several I took before it decided it had enough of a photoshoot session and went back into the river.
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ShedZster said...

By the looks of it, I think it's a SHE... Look at those twinkling eyes!
Nice skin~!

You could have been Saf, The biawak Hunter! XD

Spook it? What if it spooked you? They know how to run fast!

Oh yeah I dunno what's up with ur C&C box, I'm getting Posting Failed.

Safwan said...

Biawak mukim kota batu semua pemalu2 jenisnya, so no worries.. xD
Tapi masa ni jarang dah dorang kan melawat ke rumah.
Dulu cam sebulan sekali ada tu sekor dua.

As for cbox, usulnya mcm ada problem kali masa ni..
aku kan post arah cbox si muntui last nite pun payah2an kan mau.

muNtui said...

hm.. arah kami byk biawak tu, kalau kan ngambil gambar dipersilakan.. LOL.. wah basar tu kalau 5ft, nasib jua biawak ani nda dpt dimkn, kalau dapat~ wushh nyaman plg usulnya hahah

Safwan said...

Sendere ko makan. Kan ko masak apa? Biawak masak merah?

Tapi banar lah basar sekor ni.. kalau kan d angkat pun cam nda teangkat usulnya. Biasa2 d liat mcm 3 kaki saja panjangnya paling2.

muNtui said...

huhu aku pernah dpt yg basar.. masukkan dlm keta land rover kami pun inda muat!! XD kami ngangkat 3 org.. and it was 3 yrs ago..

Safwan said...

o.0 Skali kamu makan? Hehe..

muNtui said...

inda plg.. pasal ia masuk dlm kolam ikan kami.. kami tangkap, pastu buang ke pantai haha

ShedZster said...

waaaaah! Atu napa kamu inda langgar?! Atu lagi kuat labuk nya sama feel :P Kucing plg di langgar nya!